Dec 09, 2019 | Tyler Peters | 854 views
Atom Rep Jets Start Winning Streak
The CARSTAR Bancroft Auto Body Atom Rep Jets were on the road again to face the Douro Dukes on Saturday, and the Centre Hastings Grizzlies on Sunday.
On Saturday, the Jets faced Douro on the small ice surface of Warsaw, and for the second time this
season, could not outdeke the Dukes, and the score ended with a loss.
The Jets flew south to Marmora on Sunday to face the Grizzlies, and powered their way to a well-played
4-2 win, with a full team effort and support to each other on both sides of the puck. Here’s hoping this
win starts a new positive run, after a few games slipped away from the Jets in recent matches.
The CARSTAR Jets have the upcoming weekend off, but return to the ice on the weekend of December
21 st , with a home and home versus the Lakefield Chiefs, right before the holiday break.