Nov 18, 2019 | Tyler Peters | 1834 views
Atom Rep Jets Sweep the Hawks
The CARSTAR Bancroft Auto Body Atom Rep Jets were at home this Sunday to face the Tweed Hawks in their second and final meeting of the regular season. The Jets won their initial meeting in the Tweed barn back in early October.
The game on Sunday showed the potential of the entire team working together, with strong defensive
play from goaltender Rylan Musclow and D Jack Peters, right out to offensive threats Kieran Cox, William
Pitts, and Mason Gibson, and balanced by two-way centres Riley Kavanagh and Reid McEathron. Hard-
nosed play by Lucas Peelow, Alex Mieske, and the balance of the D core to protect the lead during the
game was successful. The Jets took off after an early goal by the Hawks early in the first, and never
looked back, closing out their mission with a well-played 7-4 win.
Also, this weekend was the team’s annual bottle drive fundraiser, and a special thanks goes out to all
those who donated their bottles and/or cash to the team to help offset travel and other team costs for
the kids.
The Jets are heading out on a two-game mission away this coming weekend in Wellington and Napanee,
hoping to take at least one in the current rise of strong team play.
Attachments: Photo – Atom Rep Jets and family during bottle drive.