Don't Miss Out on your Registration DISCOUNT!!!, News (Bancroft and District Minor Hockey Association)

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May 17, 2022 | JLHudder | 802 views
Don't Miss Out on your Registration DISCOUNT!!!
Online Registration for the 2022/23 Bancroft & District Hockey Season is

New this year is Early Bird pricing. Register and Pay (or make a 50% instalment) by July 5/22 and SAVE $50!!

New and Returning players are encouraged to register online at our Hockey Canada Registry Page. CLICK HERE  to register ASAP!!

There have been some major changes announced for the 2022/23 Season:

1.  The OHF Covid Vaccine policy has been cancelled for the 2022/23 season.

2.  The OMHA has determined that there will be no gate fee permitted for entry to any
     OMHA sanctioned activity for the 2022/23 season.

Registration Fees and additional info for the 2022/23 Season can be found under the "Registration Tab".

For funding assistance please see links below:


Hockey Canada Assist Fund
Vito's Pizzeria
Vito's Pizzeria Bancroft is our very generous Peewee Rep team sponsor!
Bierworth Readi-Mix
Bierworth Readi-Mix is our very generous U7 initiation program sponsor!
Canadian Tire
This years Mineral Capital Cup Tournament ice times have been generously provided by your Canadian Tire Bancroft! They also very generously donate a very large prize to our annual golf tournament! A very big thank you to our local Bancroft Canadian Tire.
Wilson Timber Mart
Wilson Timber Mart Bancroft is our very generous Novice Rep Sponsor!
Boyer in Bancroft is our very generous Midget Rep team sponsor!
CarStar Bancroft
CarStar Bancroft is our very generous Midget Rep Sponsor!