IMPORTANT UPDATE!!!!, News (Bancroft and District Minor Hockey Association)

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Oct 04, 2021 | JLHudder | 643 views
Hockey season is well underway and we are thankful to see hockey in Bancroft.  Our rosters are filling up and we’ll have teams in all divisions except our U15 Bantams.

This post is intended to make everyone aware of the additional restrictions imposed by Hastings and Prince Edward Health unit today.

The new restrictions require all persons involved with a team (coach, volunteers, etc) to be fully vaccinated in order to enter the arena.  The only exception is for the players between the ages of 12-18 who will not be asked for proof of vaccination.  Keep in mind that under OMHA policy, players who are eligible to receive the Covid-19 vaccine must be fully vaccinated by October 31st, including the 14 day waiting period after their last dose, in order to participate on the ice.

The new Hastings and Prince Edward Health Unit restrictions are effective at 12:01am October 5.

For more information, please click the link provided:
Wilson Timber Mart
Wilson Timber Mart Bancroft is our very generous Novice Rep Sponsor!
Vito's Pizzeria
Vito's Pizzeria Bancroft is our very generous Peewee Rep team sponsor!
Boyer in Bancroft is our very generous Midget Rep team sponsor!
Canadian Tire
This years Mineral Capital Cup Tournament ice times have been generously provided by your Canadian Tire Bancroft! They also very generously donate a very large prize to our annual golf tournament! A very big thank you to our local Bancroft Canadian Tire.
Subway Bancroft
Subway Bancroft is our very generous Peewee Rep team sponsor!
CarStar Bancroft
CarStar Bancroft is our very generous Midget Rep Sponsor!