Notice of BDMHA Annual General Meeting, News (Bancroft and District Minor Hockey Association)

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Mar 19, 2018 | Admin | 1100 views
Notice of BDMHA Annual General Meeting
The BDMHA Annual General meeting will be held on May 2 2018 at 7:00pm at the North Hastings Community Center.

All members are welcome to attend the AGM.  This is an opportunity to be elected to the board and get involved with the organization.

Any Proposed amendments to the Constitution shall be made in writing and received by the BDMHA Secretary thirty (30) days prior to the Annual Meeting. The name of the proposer must be included with motion of amendment.

As such, please forward any proposed amendments to Christina Hudder at [email protected] no later than April 2, 2018.

Please note the following positions are available for election.  All are One year terms unless otherwise noted:

1.  President (2 year term)
2.  1st Vice President- Coach Coordinator (1 year remaining on 2 year term)
3.  2nd Vice President- Equipment Coordinator
4.  Secretary
5.  Treasurer
6.  OMHA Contact
7.  Local League Convenor
8.  Tyke Development Convenor
9.  Registrar
10.  Referee in Chief
11.  Volunteer Coordinator
12.  Media Relations
13.  Disciplinary

For an outline of duties in each position, please click on the link below and review the 2017-2018 Constitution.

2017-2018 BDMHA Constitution
Wilson Timber Mart
Wilson Timber Mart Bancroft is our very generous Novice Rep Sponsor!
Bierworth Readi-Mix
Bierworth Readi-Mix is our very generous U7 initiation program sponsor!
Vito's Pizzeria
Vito's Pizzeria Bancroft is our very generous Peewee Rep team sponsor!
CarStar Bancroft
CarStar Bancroft is our very generous Midget Rep Sponsor!
Subway Bancroft
Subway Bancroft is our very generous Peewee Rep team sponsor!
Canadian Tire
This years Mineral Capital Cup Tournament ice times have been generously provided by your Canadian Tire Bancroft! They also very generously donate a very large prize to our annual golf tournament! A very big thank you to our local Bancroft Canadian Tire.