BDMHA now accepting nominations for 2017-2018 Board of Directors, News (Bancroft and District Minor Hockey Association)

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Mar 30, 2017 | Admin | 1076 views
BDMHA now accepting nominations for 2017-2018 Board of Directors
Bancroft and District Minor Hockey Association is organized and managed by committed and selfless volunteers.   

Nominations to join the Association’s Board of Directors are now being accepted for the 2017-2018 hockey season.   

Each position is for a one year term unless otherwise stated.  Please refer to the Association’s Constitution (online) for details regarding duties and/or responsibilities.


Any member who has reached the age of majority and is in good standing in the previous hockey season (2016-2017) can be nominated for a position when endorsed by 2 (other) members in good standing. 


Simply check the box of the position preference on the nomination form (link below) and ask 2 fellow members to provide their endorsement.  An election will take place at our Annual General meeting to be held on May 3, 2017.


All nominations must be received no later than April 26, 2017

2017-2018 Nomination Form

Wilson Timber Mart
Wilson Timber Mart Bancroft is our very generous Novice Rep Sponsor!
Boyer in Bancroft is our very generous Midget Rep team sponsor!
Subway Bancroft
Subway Bancroft is our very generous Peewee Rep team sponsor!
CarStar Bancroft
CarStar Bancroft is our very generous Midget Rep Sponsor!
Bierworth Readi-Mix
Bierworth Readi-Mix is our very generous U7 initiation program sponsor!
Canadian Tire
This years Mineral Capital Cup Tournament ice times have been generously provided by your Canadian Tire Bancroft! They also very generously donate a very large prize to our annual golf tournament! A very big thank you to our local Bancroft Canadian Tire.