URGENT- Senior House League Coaches and Trainers Needed ASAP, News (Bancroft and District Minor Hockey Association)

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Oct 04, 2016 | Tanya Carr | 908 views
URGENT- Senior House League Coaches and Trainers Needed ASAP


We are in the final stages of organizing this year’s season, however, while we have enough players registered to have 3 teams at the senior level, we are still in need of certified coaches and trainers or at the very least, those that would be willing to obtain certification asap. 

Currently we have only one certified coach and one certified trainer committed to volunteering their time to a team full time.  We require at least 2 more coaches and 2 more trainers to move forward with the season as hoped. 

Unfortunately, decisions will need to be made soon if enough coaches are not secured as we are required to confirm our ice for the season. 

Please contact Tanya Carr at 613-332-8333 or by email at [email protected] if you either have a coaching or trainers certification or would be willing to obtain it asap and are willing and able to volunteer your time to a team.   

**Please understand that if enough coaches and trainers can’t be secured, we would have no choice but to look at other ways to address the issue.  One possibility might be combining players into one or two teams versus the recommended three.  This will unfortunately mean reduced playing time for all. 

Thank you
Tanya Carr
House League Convener
CarStar Bancroft
CarStar Bancroft is our very generous Midget Rep Sponsor!
Subway Bancroft
Subway Bancroft is our very generous Peewee Rep team sponsor!
Vito's Pizzeria
Vito's Pizzeria Bancroft is our very generous Peewee Rep team sponsor!
Boyer in Bancroft is our very generous Midget Rep team sponsor!
Canadian Tire
This years Mineral Capital Cup Tournament ice times have been generously provided by your Canadian Tire Bancroft! They also very generously donate a very large prize to our annual golf tournament! A very big thank you to our local Bancroft Canadian Tire.
Bierworth Readi-Mix
Bierworth Readi-Mix is our very generous U7 initiation program sponsor!